Sunday, August 26, 2012

Life goes on..........capture each momet

To say that the past couple of years have been tough would be an understatement. I can't believe that my life has come to this point. So many things have happened that I don't know where to begin share or even how to do it. There are too many of them right now that are too painful to express or put into words. I honestly thought that with time it would get better but then something brings it all up again and tears are shed and sorrow is felt. I do realize that I need to capture these moments and know they are part of who I am. Somehow maybe they will help someone else. With the loss of my sweet Emma last month, I have contemplated getting another dog and some puppies became available last week that were black labs just like her. I wrestled with it for awhile and the puppies all found homes. I went back to when I got Belle as a puppy and all the items that soon became her chew toys. As I thought about it I remembered the chew marks in the coffee table and the end table. Then I got sad, not only was Belle gone - I lost her just before the move to mom's, but I don't know where the tables are. In consolidating 2 houses things went everywhere. So 2 tables with dog chew marks may not mean anything to anyone else but they do to me and they may be in the garage buried with some other stuff but I don't know and it made me very sad. You might consider that silly but it is something that mattered and I don't know if I have pictures of the tables but realizing they may be gone brought home the fact that I didn't capture the moment. Life is about change some good and some not, but change none the less. We make decisions, sometimes ignore advice from well meaning people and we have to live with what our decisions bring. I am beyond grateful to my mom cause without her, I would be homeless. Moving in here was supposed to make things easier for her too. My hope is that I have been as much of a blessing to her as she has been to me. Now that it is just us 3 girls, things are definitely calmer and life is moving forward. We still have some financial issues but trusting for God to provide and see us through. This journey that I am on is not easy. I feel the tremendous sense of loss. Three of my beloved pets have gone. My pets are my kids and the pain is great. My first house became a short sale. I gave away so much of my life that every once in awhile like the tables things will bother me and call it silly but I grieve the loss. Then at the end of it all I ended up single. How did this all happen? How is any of this OK? I know God has a plan and I know that He has not left me but there are days it gets very overwhelming. There are some things this month that need to be taken care of and right now the money isn't there but I just need to trust that God will provide and I know He will. Somehow I need to undo some of the damage that has been done in our home in regards Christ centered life. Some actions have not shown a true Christian behavior and it has affected some people. My journey will be to make sure that Christ is seen in me with everything that I do and say. I know that God is protecting my family and me and know that He will see us through. But with each day and each moment we need to remember to capture those things that will mean something later on. I know that I am going to be OK. I just need to find my place again in this thing called life. I need to work on creating new memories and capturing those. I need to lean on my friends and start to trust again. Most of all I need to put myself first and keep me well physically, mentally and spiritually and be ready to do whatever it is that God wants me to do. Though the first 50 years didn't end with happily ever after, I need to gleen what was good and move forward to live the life that God has for me and do it with a happy heart and ready to serve. Thank you for your friendship and love and for walking along side of me on my journey. I really do have some amazing friends........................... (God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1) ............................... (Be still, and know that I am God; Psalm 46:10).......................... (I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 )

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