My friend Robin shared this with me and thought I should pass it on.
How to Walk Through Life's Hot Spots
Living through the pressures of life can be compared to walking through fire. The Old Testament prophet Isaiah believed that if you have faith in God, you can walk through fire and not be burned. He didn't promise that you won't feel the heat, just that you won't be burned.
Keep On Walking. A surefire way to get burned is to stop walking. When you are afraid, or under extreme stress, or hurting -- keep going. You will get through if you keep dealing with the everyday tasks at hand to the best of your ability. PERSEVERE Remember That This Difficult Time Will Pass.
It may feel that you are in a repeating time warp, but realize that pain is time-limited. All problems have a beginning and an end. BE PATIENT Make Rough Times Work For You. Not everything is good, but the Bible reminds us that everything can be used for good if y ou submit your will to God.
Look for ways to learn, grow, or cope in your pain or stress. HAVE COURAGE Take "What Is" And Make The Most Of It. Make lemonade from your lemons. You are not called upon to create perfection from every situation, only to make the most of it.
Don't waste your time on ceaseless complaining, but look for meaning and joy in all situations. BE CONTENT Clean Up Your Own Trash. Stand on your own feet and don't try to blame others for your problems. You are not a victim.
Choose to live the rest of your life with a controlled response to what is happening. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY Be True To Your Self. You will have more strength for dealing with ordeals in life if you have the courage to be true to your own values.
Hypocrisy destroys internal energy. MODEL INTEGRITY Be Gladder Than Madder.
Expressions of gratitude calm the soul and clear the mind. SHOW GRATITUDE Have As Much Fun As You Can. Anticipation of fun raises the level of your energy.
Learn to laugh through your trials. DISPLAY HUMOR Determine What Is Within Your Control. You cannot control what happens to you, but you can choose the frame you put around your experiences.
You can choose how you will deal with all situations. EXHIBIT INTERNAL CONTROL Be Enthusiastic. Enthusiasm literally means, "God in us." If He is in you, let your life so shine.
Learn to love life. Education is not the filling of a bucket but the lighting of a fire. SHOW YOUR PASSION
Author Unknown