Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I Won!!!!

Last week, I had an awesome mail day. I was fortunate enough to win two contests. The first one is from Piggy Tales, I won their entire spring line. I actually won this in May and it finally made its way to me. Lots of bright colors and lots of fun. I also won a great one year subscription to an awesome scrap magazine.

Then off of Margie Romney Aslett's blog for her new company The Girls Loft I won the great new tape runner Glue Glider. You need to visit her website, she has a great monthly kit.

It was a great day with lots of treasures.


Anonymous said...

yay!!!! Congradulations on your winnings.
for this year, I won off polkadotchicks blog twice. One for guessing stuff for Amy and she presented me with a mess from her Scrapbook room of treasures. LOL
then I won the 12 squared class of 12 kits. Wowza.
Ok, well it is nice to win and I am inlove with your ghosts. Wow!
I made a cute charm but, need more bails and I am having a harder time finding them so I can mail then in 2 days. yikes. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see you received your winnings from piggytales, and glad I mentioned it to you in passing:)